Should we expect better from the media?
A conversation with health journalists Download full article
A conversation with health journalists Download full article
When stories exaggerate the implications of the latest research, is this the fault of the media? Asession on reporting cancer breakthroughs found pressure also comes from researchers and pharmaceutical companies. Maybe the greatest pressure comes [more]
The EUROCARE 4 report has delivered an implicit merit mark to eastern European countries, whose relatively poor survival figures are now improving faster than those in the rest of Europe. But older patients are still [more]
Faced with escalating drug prices and rising patient expectations, Europe’s governments are anxious to ensure value for money from their overstretched health budgets. But how can one measure the value of a few extra precious [more]
Targeted therapies seek to close down signalling pathways that allow tumours to prosper. But these pathways may also be vital to other clinical functions. With rising concern about collateral cardiac damage from cancer treatment comes [more]