Cyclists raise funds for the Cancer Association of Botswana

Andrew Maramwidze - Botswana

Gaborone – Botswana’s cancer conscious cyclists – Team Chainring have embarked on a 1000 kilometres ‘Ride for Pink’ to create awareness and raise funds for the Cancer Association of Botswana (CAB).

The cyclists’ 1000 kilometres voyage from the resort town of Kasane through several towns and villages to the capital Gaborone is one of the many initiatives CAB use to disseminate information.

“Though they were not able to raise enough funds last year, they are taking the journey again fundraising and raising cancer awareness,” said CAB chairman, Pele Moleta.

The seven days trip include five activation points to do free health screenings including glucose level, blood pressure and testing for cervical and prostate cancer.

“The team also shares a common concern regarding the negative effects cancer has had in Botswana, socially, physically, psychologically and economically,” said Team Chain Ring spokesperson, Thabo Okie said.

Over 16500 people in the past two decades have been diagnosed, gone through treatment for cancer in Botswana, the latest Botswana National Cancer Registry indicates

CAB has reiterated the need for the community to be aware, informed and pre-emptive in the cancer care, management and control situation locally and internationally.

The Association believes to alleviate the cancer burden in the community calls for healthy lifestyle choices and early detection of cancer through various programmes – awareness programme, the care programme, support programme and the education and research programme.