Sharing with an unwelcome partner

24 November 2017 0

The other day someone asked me what it feels like living, day in day out, with a cancer. I’ve been thinking about the answer to that question since. I don’t really think I have a [more]

How to help a friend with metastatic breast cancer

28 July 2017 0

So, your friend endured any number of treatments: chemotherapy, lumpectomy or mastectomy, possibly reconstruction, radiation therapy… and then when scans were done, instead of hearing the magical words “remission” or “cured,” your friend heard, “your [more]

Prostate cancer: hope in the blood

28 May 2017 0

May was awash with news stories about blood tests for prostate cancer. Reports that a new serum test called IsoPSA could predict prostate cancer more precisely than conventional PSA testing brought obvious interest. The new [more]

A vintage year for cancer journalism worldwide

23 February 2017 0

You might have thought there would be huge variations in cancer journalism from countries as diverse as Algeria, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Romania, Russia and Sweden. You might have thought [more]

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