Time to act on trials

Number 52

1 January 2013 0

Many of the worst economic and bureaucratic burdens that have proved such a deterrent to multi-country clinical trials look set to be addressed with the overhaul of the EU Clinical Trials Directive, but should we [more]

The reoperation lottery

Number 52

1 January 2013 0

The odds that a woman will be told she needs a reoperation after conservative breast surgery vary between treatment centres, prompting calls for international guidelines – and greater oversight of surgeons. For many women with [more]

Me and my cancer

Number 52

1 January 2013 0

Journalists who write about their own cancer journeys are able to convey important insights in a language that people understand – and are eager to read It is not surprising that a lot of journalists [more]


Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Aprepitant for managing pruritus =>  Lancet Oncology Use of anaprepitant decreased the severity of pruritus induced by biological cancer treatments, an Italian pilot study reports. Pruritus (itch) is [more]

My World

Number 52

1 January 2013 0

Ramon Salazar is head of translational research at the Institut Català d’Oncologia near Barcelona. He leads the Early Clinical Research Unit and is in charge of the colorectal and neuroendocrine tumour clinics. He is a [more]