A man who dedicated his life to his patients – Agim Sallaku passed away

Prof. Dr. Agim Sallaku was born in Tirana, Albania in 1956. He received his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tirana in 1981 and in the same year he started working as a radiotherapist at the Oncological Service.

In 1998 he was a full time Professor at the Faculty of Medicine where he played a crucial role in establishing Clinical Oncology as a specialty course in this Faculty. Since 2004 he was appointed as Head of the Oncological Service where he passionately worked until the last days of his life. During all the years of his leadership, the Service of Oncology evolved its approach towards the oncological patients, converting into a multidisciplinary reference center. It was during these years and thanks to his commitment that radiotherapy treatment in Albania progressed from cobalt treatment to linear accelerator. In 1993 he was one of the founders of the SUE RYDER Albania Association, an NGO offering free of charge care to palliative patients.

Prof. Dr. Agim Sallaku was the author of several text books and many international scientific articles. He had played an important role in organizing several international conferences in collaboration with the European School of Oncology, ESMO, IAEA and others.

Prof. Dr. Agim Sallaku worked with modesty, passion and remarkable dedication towards improving the life of oncologic patients. He passed away on 28th December 2017.

CancerWorld and the European School of Oncology want to express their condolences to his family and loved ones.