Milan (Italy), 22-26/1/2018 Clinical Oncology: Sarcomas

University Post-graduate Course – Clinical Oncology: Sarcomas

Scientific Coordinator: P.G. Casali, IT

The University of Milan, Italy, in close collaboration with the European School of Oncology, will organise the first post-graduate course on clinical oncology of sarcomas.

This programme is addressed to an international audience of clinical oncologists interested in advancing their knowledge and skills on the clinical management of soft tissue and bone sarcomas in a multidisciplinary context. It will last one week for a total of 30 teaching hours and the official language will be English.

We are aware that “networking” is the keyword in improving quality of care of rare cancers.
Both ESO and the University of Milan are involved as associated partners in the new established EURACAN, the European Reference Network on rare adult solid cancers. Thus, this educational effort aims to reinforce the collaboration among oncologists of different countries who are already involved in EURACAN, or in networks related to EURACAN, or willing to be part of it in the near future.

Admission to the course will be on competitive application only. Attendance is limited to 30 participants.

• To provide an overview of current multidisciplinary state-of-the-art treatments of all sarcomas (soft tissue sarcomas, GIST, bone sarcomas)
• To discuss relevant clinical cases on a multidisciplinary basis
• To establish connections for future distance clinical mentoring/tutoring/networking

The post-graduate course is a Università degli Studi di Milano-ESO joint initiative


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