The aim of this Masterclass is to provide an update of the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasia. The Masterclass is specifically addressed to junior specialists and each topic will be analysed in a systematic and propaedeutic way, from basic to the most complex and difficult procedures. The Masterclass will consist of a series of focused presentations, update lectures and video sessions. Presenters will be using case illustrative examples and high quality video throughout the programme.
Live endoscopy sessions will also be performed to show how to confront clinical and technical problems. Before endoscopy, a detailed analysis of the clinical history of each patient will be presented in order to stress the importance of the appropriateness of the procedure.
The most recent advances in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy will be presented; technical devices will be critically analysed according to the data obtained from evidence-based results of the literature.
High level interaction between the faculty and the audience will be facilitated throughout the course and clinical case discussions in groups will be scheduled each day where the participants’ clinical cases will be discussed. The importance of the multidisciplinary approach to gastrointestinal cancers will be elaborated.
Together with gastroenterologists, interventional radiologists, surgeons and oncologists, participants will be actively involved both in the presentations and in the discussions.
The key aim of the course is to illustrate that endoscopy may offer its best potential particularly when it is part of a comprehensive clinical evaluation of the patient.
See the page on the website of ESO for all details.