29.11.2019 – 01.12.2019 – 4th ESO-ESMO-RCE Clinical Update on Rare Adult Solid Cancers

The “ESO-ESMO-RCE Clinical Update on Rare Adult Solid Cancers” is an educational effort, on an annual basis, conceived to strengthen the education of medical professionals willing to devote their career to rare cancers.

Despite being rare as single entities, rare adult solid cancers account for as many as 15% of all new cancer cases, thus being the main group within rare cancers in general. The RARECARE project’s definition and list of 10 “families” of rare adult solid cancers, have been fundamental in shaping the sessions of this course:

• Rare skin cancers & non-cutaneous melanoma
• Rare thoracic tumors
• Rare female genital cancers
• Neuroendocrine tumors
• Endocrine gland tumors
• Sarcomas
• Digestive rare cancers
• Rare urological and male genital tumors
• Central nervous system neoplasms
• Head & neck cancers

Since ‘networking’ and ‘multidisciplinarity’ are the two keywords to improve quality of care of rare cancers, ESO has decided to develop the programme of this course in collaboration with all the European initiatives in this field and to give its contribution to tackle the rare cancer issue. The “4th ESO-ESMO-RCE Clinical Update on Rare Adult Solid Cancers” is conceived in the context of, and supported by the Joint Action on Rare Cancers of the European Union (JARC), a project coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, and EURACAN, the European Reference Network on rare adult solid cancers. The Faculty has been largely selected from EURACAN, also with the aim of letting this educational effort closely interact with its networking activities and to help share the best knowledge and updates on these cancers.

The optimal management of rare adult solid cancers poses specific diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, which will be debated and addressed during the course through close interaction between opinion leaders and the participants. The sessions are designed to address the needs of oncologists wanting an update on the advancements in the clinical and research settings.
ESO is also pleased to help with the organization of the 3rd Rare Cancers Europe (RCE) training course for advocacy groups, which will be held in parallel sessions, with the aim to reinforce the relationship and exchange between physicians and patients representatives.

For more info and registration: https://www.eso.net/en/events/future%2devents/4th-eso-esmo-rce-clinical-update-on-rare-adult-solid-cancers/3-4122-0-