Milan (Italy), 25-27/11 – ESO-ESMO-RCE Clinical Update on Rare Adult Solid Cancers

Any educational effort in the rare cancer area makes little sense if disconnected from a networking environment.Thus, this Course will be first offered to clinical oncologists involved into the existing networks covering rare adult solid cancers, with a special attention to the new European Reference Networks due to be created within the EU.

From the educational point of view, one cannot expect that even experienced clinical oncologists are knowledgeable about all these tumors. For this reason, the European Faculty of this Masterclass is asked to focus on the most recent advances, always trying to put them into the context of state-of-the-art treatment of these tumors, with a special view to ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Rare cancers make up as many as one fifth of all new cancer cases. Amongst them, pediatric cancers and rare hematologic neoplasms are often covered by dedicated educational events, while adult solid rare cancers are hardly grouped together and approached as a collective group of neoplasms. Indeed, they account for as many as 15% of all new cancer cases, thus being the main group within rare cancers. This Course is aimed at dealing with them on an annual basis, to provide the community of clinical oncologists specialising in these tumors with a regular update of recent advances in this specific area. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the educational coverage of a group of cancers which may be neglected in spite of their collective incidence.

According to the RARECARE project, which provided a definition and a list of rare cancers, rare adult solid cancers include the following big families of tumors, each of them being therefore covered by a correspondingeducational session within this Course:

• Rare skin cancers and non-cutaneous melanoma

• Rare thoracic tumors

• Rare female genital cancers

• Neuroendocrine tumors

• Endocrine gland tumors

• Sarcomas

• Digestive rare cancers

• Rare urological and male genital tumors

• Central nervous system neoplasms

• Head and neck cancers


ESO-ESMO-RCE Clinical Update on Rare Adult Solid Cancers

25/11/2016 – 27/11/2016, Milan, Italy

Chairs: P.G. Casali, IT – R.A. Stahel, CH

The course is an ESO-ESMO-RCE joint event