
Number 50

1 September 2012 0

Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Preoperative chemoradio-therapy improves survival in oesophageal cancer => New England Journal of Medicine Preoperative chemoradiotherapy improves survival among patients with potentially curable oesophageal or oesophagogastric-junction cancers, a phase III [more]

My World

Ruth Conroy is a specialist registrar in clinical oncology at the Christie Hospital in Manchester, UK. She came first out of a class of 62 young oncologists from 28 countries in the learning assessment test [more]


Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Stereotactic body radiation therapy for spinal metastases => Lancet Oncology Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) delivers significant reductions in patient-reported pain and other symptoms six months post treatment, a [more]

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