From numbers to new drugs, the crisis of paradigms in medicine

22 September 2018 0

The recent controversy that has shaken the International Cochrane Network to its roots is very troubling. It is not yet clear if the disagreements on the quality of a recent systematic review on the efficacy [more]

The recent controversy that has shaken the International Cochrane Network to its roots is very troubling. It is not yet clear if the disagreements on the quality of a recent systematic review on the efficacy and safety of the HPV ... [ more ]

Algorithmic surveillance to prevent serious failures in oncology

22 September 2018 0

Lorena Jaume-Palasí is co-founder of the NGO AlgorithmWatch, a non-profit devoted to reveal problematic Automated Decision Making (ADM) processes, algorithm biases and software failures that might have “enormous” consequences in cancer diagnosis, forecast and treatment.  [more]

Lorena Jaume-Palasí is co-founder of the NGO AlgorithmWatch, a non-profit devoted to reveal problematic Automated Decision Making (ADM) processes, algorithm biases and software failures that might have “enormous” consequences... [ more ]

The trouble with health statistics

6 September 2018 0

Some commonly used statistical concepts are hard to master not only for most patients, but for many professionals as well. Especially when it comes to cancer screening A common assumption, when addressing informed decision making [more]

Some commonly used statistical concepts are hard to master not only for most patients, but for many professionals as well. Especially when it comes to cancer screening... [ more ]

Countering the rise of cancer in sub-Saharian Africa

29 August 2018 0

Clinicians around the world use NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology as a standard for clinical decision-making. The NCCN Harmonized Guidelines are targeted regional resources created as part of a collaborative effort to combat the [more]

Clinicians around the world use NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology as a standard for clinical decision-making. The NCCN Harmonized Guidelines are targeted regional resources created as part of a collaborative effort to ... [ more ]

The fight against cancer benefits from a stronger European union of registries

In February this year there was a significant announcement from the European Commission – the Joint Research Centre (JRC) launched the European Cancer Information System (ECIS), the result of several years’ work to integrate data from European cancer [more]

The new European Cancer Information System now makes available data from 150 national and regional cancer registries in a way that will help health authorities and policy makers devise future moves in the fight against cancer.... [ more ]

Ask cancer for its name, not only for its address

23 July 2018 0

Is the paradigm of cancer treatment bound to change? At a time when new drugs are registered for use on a specific molecular target instead of a specific tumor, experts raise some warnings: this new [more]

Is the paradigm of cancer treatment bound to change? At a time when new drugs are registered for use on a specific molecular target instead of a specific tumor, experts raise some warnings: this new model might be hard to sustain ... [ more ]

Meanings and Measures of Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer

14 July 2018 0

It’s not just a matter of clinical outcomes: quality of life goes far beyond the final result of a cancer treatment and involves several aspects of daily life, both for patients and their caregivers. And [more]

It’s not just a matter of clinical outcomes: quality of life goes far beyond the final result of a cancer treatment and involves several aspects of daily life, both for patients and their caregivers. And accurate assessment is not... [ more ]