Chasing teenage clouds away, with music

3 July 2018 0

The song is captivating, with professional music and arrangements. The voices are those of the teenage patients of the pediatric unit of Milan’s Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori who worked for several months to record a [more]

SEEKing cancer with liquid biopsy

29 May 2018 0

It’s called CancerSEEK the first experimental noninvasive blood test that could screen eight different cancers and localize their source. It was developed by an international research team based at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. [more]

Cannabis can be an option in palliative care

17 May 2018 0

Cannabis is an effective and safe option to help patients cope with malignancy related symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, sleep disorders, pain, anxiety, and depression. In a scenario where a physician often prescribes one medication [more]

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