The Cancer World Journalism Award 2016 is now inviting submissions

The call for submissions for the 2016 edition of the Cancer World Journalism Award is open: outstanding pieces of journalism that contributed to reshape the way we think about cancer will be awarded a prize of €1500. A winner will be selected for each of  4 categories (Patient and carer experience; Research, science and treatment; Policy, services and affordability; Prevention), and the overall winner will also be invited to attend the ECCO Congress in Amsterdam (27-30 January 2017), to receive the award and take part in the Cancer World journalists’ professional development programme.

The closing date for entries – to be submitted online – is 31st October 2016.

The call and the instructions to apply to the Cancer World Journalism Award are published in six languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian) on the website of Cancer World.