
Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Clinical trials lead to cost savings => British Journal of Cancer On average, non-commercial oncology clinical trials are associated with small excess treatment costs compared to the standard of [more]


Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker ABVD less effective and more toxic in older patients =>Journal of Clinical Oncology In patients aged 60 years or older with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), four cycles of ABVD is [more]

Time to act on trials

Number 52

1 January 2013 0

Many of the worst economic and bureaucratic burdens that have proved such a deterrent to multi-country clinical trials look set to be addressed with the overhaul of the EU Clinical Trials Directive, but should we [more]

Me and my cancer

Number 52

1 January 2013 0

Journalists who write about their own cancer journeys are able to convey important insights in a language that people understand – and are eager to read It is not surprising that a lot of journalists [more]

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