Refusing treatment

Number 56

1 September 2013 0

People take treatment decisions on the basis of their personal perspectives as much as the medical pros and cons. Doctors need to be able to deal with this. This article was first published in The [more]

Once upon a loss

Number 54

1 May 2013 0

Do you ever let the death of a patient get to you? In this Focus piece, one cancer surgeon talks about his own experience and argues that shutting down your emotional responses is neither feasible [more]

Is there an app for that?

Number 53

1 March 2013 0

Smartphones give patients the technology not only to record a consultation but also to share it privately, post it on a social network or even upload it to a public website. What does this mean [more]

Think yourself better

Number 43

1 August 2011 0

In oncology, the contribution of the human touch which alternative medical treatments offer, and the placebo effect they induce, can be easy to overlook. Download full article  

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