ESMO publishes the Patient Guide on Survivorship

The new “Patient Guide on Survivorship” produced jointly by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) the European Cancer Patient coalition (ECPC) and the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) is now available on the web in PDF.

«A section on support in coping with the new reality elaborates cancer rehabilitation, patient support groups, psychological support of the patient and his/her family, the role of the health care professionals (i.e. oncologist, family doctor, oncology nurse)» the introductory page explains. «A section on life after initial treatment elaborates perspective and self-confidence, changes in family and relationships, sexual life after cancer, having children/fertility after cancer, returning to work, finding new hobbies and interests and managing finances.

«A section on preventive health elaborates healthy lifestyles such as physical activity, nutrition and weight management, stress management reducing alcohol consumption, smoking cessation, avoidance of excessive exposure to UV radiation, avoiding worsening side-effects through the use of specific drugs and chapter on infections and vaccinations.

«A section on detection and management of treatment- or tumour-related symptoms elaborates problems of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, pain and peripheral neuropathy, bone loss with the possibility of subsequent osteoporosis, mucosal, dental and soft tissue problems of the head and neck, skin toxicity, lymphoedema, cardiovascular problems, fatigue, sleep disorders, cognitive function, depression and anxiety, fear of recurrence, eye problems, hormonal insufficiencies, infertility, amenorrhea, menopause, sexual dysfunction including impotence and lack of libido, urological problems, gastrointestinal problems, and lung problems. It also elaborates prevention and detection of cancer recurrence, prevention and early detection of new primary cancers and management of comorbidities.»