
Most oncology patient requests are appropriate =>JAMA Oncology Patient demands or requests for tests or treatments occur in less than 10% of outpatient oncology encounters, with just 0.14% of encounters resulting in clinicians complying with [more]


Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker New treatment option for premenopausal women with hormone-sensitive breast cancer =>New England Journal of Medicine In premenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive early breast cancer the aromatase inhibitor exemestane plus ovarian [more]


Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Health risks continue into middle age for childhood cancer survivors => Journal of Clinical Oncology Elevated risks for morbidity and mortality among survivors of childhood cancers increase beyond the [more]


Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Study defines optimum exercise level in breast cancer =>JNCI Undertaking higher volumes of aerobic exercise or combining aerobic exercise with resistance exercise improves physical functioning and symptoms for breast [more]