Highlights of the 20th World Conference on Lung Cancer

16 September 2019 0

The latest developments in the field of lung cancer were discussed last week in Barcelona (Spain) during the 20th edition of the World Conference on Lung Cancer organized by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). The focus of clinical studies ranged from screening to treatment of advanced disease. [more]

The do-nothing dilemma

Number 80

27 October 2017 0

To treat or not to treat? Different people respond in different ways to learning they have lesions that may or may not develop into threatening cancers. Charlotte Huff talks to ‘patients’, doctors and psychologists about [more]

Prostate cancer: hope in the blood

28 May 2017 0

May was awash with news stories about blood tests for prostate cancer. Reports that a new serum test called IsoPSA could predict prostate cancer more precisely than conventional PSA testing brought obvious interest. The new [more]

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