Dear Alberto,
We received the last Cancer World. Congratulations, it’s very nicely formatted, informative, well written and covers topics from a perspective rarely seen in “usual” specialised journals. We were particularly interested by the article on “tipping the balance” that elegantly summarizes a crucial concern in cancer research. We are much involved in pharmaco-epi studies (most commissioned by the EMA) on immune-modulating therapies, and what is described in the article reflects well the issues at stake in this domain.
That article prompts the question of whether some sort of international meeting should not be organised on the topic. Essentially for launching a pro-active process among clinicians, trialists and epidemiologists. I’m also more and more convinced that changes in quality of life associated with tested therapies cannot be correctly assessed in clinical trials, and the article of Peter McIntire reinforces that conviction.
Concerning melanoma, we work a lot on causes of fatal melanoma. We have several papers in preparation. We would be happy to contribute to your journal on this. Btw, we are always much involved in the artificial UV tanning, and policies are moving swiftly at EC and national level.
Prof. Philippe Autier, MD, MPH, PhD
University of Strathclyde Institute of Global Public Health at iPRI
International Prevention Research Institute (iPRI, www.i-pri.org)
Espace Européen d’Ecully, Bâtiment G
Allée Claude Debussy
69130 Ecully ouest Lyon