
Number 68

1 October 2015 0

Elderly breast cancer patients do not benefit from radiotherapy => European Journal of Cancer Most elderly patients with pT1 breast cancer treated by quadrantectomy do not benefit from radiotherapy, the results of 15 years of [more]


Statins improve survival in colorectal cancer => Journal of Clinical Oncology Using statins after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer was found to be associated with improved survival, finds a large population-based cohort study. The study, [more]


Number 57

1 November 2013 0

Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Cancer survivors less likely to be treated for infertility => Lancet Oncology Although women who survive childhood cancer face increased risks of infertility, nearly two-thirds who had tried unsuccessfully [more]


Selected reports edited by Janet Fricker Stereotactic body radiation therapy for spinal metastases => Lancet Oncology Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) delivers significant reductions in patient-reported pain and other symptoms six months post treatment, a [more]

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